Raising cash quickly is important to come out of a financial crisis unscathed

There are 8-Pointers to help you in raising cash quickly for an emergency

By: Phoenix Lee/

At one time or another, we are all faced with a financial crisis wherein we need cash quickly. Depending on how desperate for cash you may find yourself, the list below explores a few ways in raising cash quickly in a short amount of time. Taking into consideration that there is no savings, here are a few more ideas to consider before starving or turning to a life of crime.

1. Sell your stuff
In raising cash quickly, look through everything you own and find things you no longer use but are still in good condition. Once you have all the items together, you can have a garage sale, or sell them in Carousell or Facebook Marketplace. Or, you may be able to sell certain items such as baby clothes online, if the clothes are in good condition.

2. Try a pawnshop

Previously relegated to back alleys and heartland neighbourhoods, the pawnshop is now considered a viable place in raising cash quickly.

Pawnshops are so hip that they are now found even in shopping malls. Pawnshops are so handy that anyone – including those that drive Mercedes or BMWs – can pawn off fancy items for cash quickly and without any shame. Pawn shops have now also turned themselves into fancy outlets where you can buy gold jewelry, high-end electronics and branded items on the cheap.

Everyone has jewelry or electronic equipment around the house that can be used to raise cash quickly. The pawn shop operator appraises the item, and will loan a percentage of its value while giving the borrower a six months to pay it back and get the item back. If you do not go back to pay off the loan, then you forfeit the item. But if you were not using the item anyway, then losing it would not be too painful.

3. Borrow money from a relative or friend.
The discomfort of borrowing money from a relative or friend can be eased by putting everything in writing. The best way to do it is by offering to pay interest on the cash, such as 5%. This rate is better than what they would get from a regular savings account at a bank, yet not as high as a credit card. This way, the loaner feels that he or she is getting something out of it while doing you a favor.

Outline the terms of the loan in the loan agreement, have both parties sign it in front of a witness. By all means, pay the loan back as soon as you can or risk losing your relationship.

raising cash quickly

Image credit: Flickr l Aleksandr Zykov

4. Think about all the money you may have left as a deposit
Many utility companies require an initial deposit when you first set up an account, especially you have bad credit or no credit history. In some cases, this money is yours after 12 months and you should call your utility company to reclaim the money. Although it’s supposed to be automatically returned, the companies sometimes take a long time or possibly neglect to send it all together.

5. Check your whole house for forgotten money
Check through your couch or your car and you will find a lot of change. Go one step further and check through pockets of all your jackets, old purses and even old bags you may have forgotten. You will be surprised as to what you may find with that stack of old photos.

6. Rent out your room

If you own a HDB flat or a private apartment, rent out a room which can be helpful in raising cash quickly.

You can easily raise $500 – $1500 for a spare bedroom and this can come in handy in a financial crisis. It may be uncomfortable for you to share your home with a stranger (or strangers), but it is better than facing bankruptcy.

7. Get a second or third job
While considering this, do not be too picky over the type of job–any honest work should be considered, whether it’s driving a Grab or behind the cashiers in MacDonald’s. The point is, this is a short term solution until you get “back on your feet.”

8. Consider a licensed money lender

When you are facing a financial meltdown, most banks and traditional financial institutions will not give you personal loans to help you overcome your crisis.

Depending on your situation, and if you are confident that you can overcome your difficulty with some short term financial help, you should consider personal loans from a licensed money lender. But remember that such personal loans come with high interest rates and should only be taken as a last resort, and only if you are absolutely certain that you will not miss a repayment schedule.

Raising cash quickly is possible if you speak to the right people

If you are searching for a quick loan for personal or business use, loan consultants can set you up on a path that can get you a it in a quick and seamless manner. Trusted loan consultants have close links with the best lenders in town and can help you compare various loans and settle for a package that best suits your needs. You should also find out about money saving tips before opting for a loan in raising cash quickly. A good loan consultant will help you weigh all options carefully and consultation is often free.

The post Raising cash quickly is important to come out of a financial crisis unscathed appeared first on iCompareLoan Resources.

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