Comment on More people were unable to fully return their CPF monies after selling their house by Heng ong huat

I’m considering myself as mid class and the few lucky ones with no debts. HDB fully paid and own another property. Life is bless for me. But Im worry and fear for the future of SG. The worry for my children and the next generation. The high cost of HDB flats,( easily 600k and above for new) the competition for jobs and University. I don’t want my children to be in the rat race, slave to mortgage loan. A milking cow working for the gov or society. Our quality of MPs just sucks and can’t compared with the 1st gen of old guards and the list goes on…
But before we can complain more, do understand there’s no perfect country and government. There’s always a trade off and can’t have best of both world. Yes, sg flats are expensive. But most of us have a home or shelter over our head. (Try compare to our neighbouring country Thai,info,Viet,phill, JB and worse HK) SG is a small country with no natural resources and it’s getting hard to be in the game especially when neighbouring countries are slowing catching up. Sg may not be the best place for our next future generations maybe 20-30 years from now. My advice for my kids would be to ask them to venture the world ( studying/ working/ business) most likely my future generation would not be here to stay for good.

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