Comment on More people were unable to fully return their CPF monies after selling their house by Wesley

From the article, no need to return. “if the property was sold at a market price, after paying off the outstanding loan, if the remaining balance is less than the amount of CPF savings to be returned, they would not have to top up the difference in cash”. I do not think it is a loophole. The whole idea is to enforce saving for retirement. Return also return to my CPF account which I can withdraw later with CPF Life. ( please correct me if I am wrong) One may say may not live so long. Actually live long long then need money. Once old, cannot walk, cannot see well, cannot drive taxi, cannot work in Macdonald. Where to get roti money. From children? If no children, from where? When I see how helpless an elderly is, and even need to buy expensive diapers for night time to contain more urine. I realized how important saving is for elderly. A house for shelter and some saving when I cannot walk to urine at night.

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