Why cultivating simple green habits can make a real difference

Although the pandemic has dominated our focus these past two years, environmental issues continue to be an urgent concern. Today, nearly all governments, business leaders and everyday individuals agree that steps must be taken immediately if we hope to halt climate change and ultimately, save the planet from ecological catastrophe.

Our world faces numerous acute threats, including the pollution of the air, water and soil; global warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions and the depletion of the ozone layer; shortages of natural resources; irresponsible waste disposal, and more.

By being more thoughtful in our daily actions, we can all help protect the environment. (Main image: Maybank. All others: iStock)

Facing these many challenges may seem daunting. But the fact is, all of us can play a role in solving the world’s problems by making minor but important adjustments to the actions we take and the decisions we make each day. By adopting certain ‘green habits’, we can do our part to help safeguard our planet for future generations.

Here are some of the simple yet impactful things you can do right now to halt and reverse ecological damage.

Water conservation

Despite the fact that water covers 70% of the planet, just 3% of that is the fresh water we need to nourish people, plants and animals and sustain life on earth. Climate change and pollution are putting the supply of fresh water at risk, and even in developed countries where we are fortunate enough to have ready access to clean water, it’s vital that we protect this precious, life-giving resource.

Water conservation
Simply switching off the tap when brushing teeth or washing hands, you’ll save water — every drop of this finite resource counts.

You can help conserve water by using more efficient appliances, taking shorter showers, installing a low-flow showerhead and taps, turning off the faucet while washing hands or brushing teeth, and always running the washing machine with a full load. These straightforward steps can make a big difference to household water consumption.

Reduce, reuse, recycle

As we recycle, we reduce the need to extract and refine raw materials. This cuts back on the environmental damage done by mines, factories and so forth, while lowering the energy they use and the greenhouse gases they emit. Recycling also means less refuse in landfills and fewer CO2 emissions from rubbish incineration.

By recycling waste like glass bottles and jars, aluminium cans, plastics, paper and cardboard, you’re helping conserve the world’s ever-dwindling natural resources and fuels, and significantly easing the pressure greenhouse gases place on the environment.

Young woman in kitchen
Instead of single-use plastic bottles, cutlery and shopping bags, opt for the environmentally-friendly reusable alternative.

You can also make a difference by cutting down on the use of disposable plastic products (notably, plastic shopping bags, bottles and single-use cutlery) and donating pre-loved goods to charity rather than simply throwing them away.

Power to change

By consciously easing up on energy consumption, you’ll help reduce the amount of fossil fuels burned in order to power transportation and electricity plants, consequently cutting emissions of greenhouse gases.

Here in Singapore, a huge amount of energy is used warding off the tropical heat. But it’s possible to stay cool and environmentally friendly by using fans instead of air conditioners, or keeping the AC to 25˚ Celsius.

Man installing lights
LED bulbs use around 75% less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and also last far longer.

Use our sun to your advantage by air-drying clothes instead of using a dryer, and at night, light your home with energy-efficient LED bulbs, which consume a fraction of the electricity and last much longer than traditional bulbs (reducing energy use and expenditure).

Save the planet — and save money

The aim of the Maybank Green Pledge is to educate homeowners on easy-to-follow ways to make positive changes in their everyday lives, by committing to recycling, conserving water, and minimising energy use and waste. Those who commit to make these changes by taking the pledge will be eligible for the Green Home Loan.

Customers who take up the Green Pledge and apply for Maybank’s Green Home Loan will be eligible to enjoy interest rate discounts on their home loan. What’s more, for a limited period, they will also receive up to S$2,000 in cash and S$300 in shopping vouchers when they successfully refinance their existing home loan to Maybank by applying online via Myinfo.

Family at home
Enjoy fantastic rewards with Maybank’s Green Home Loan.

Values you can bank on

“Sustainability is one of the bank’s strategic priorities,” says Alan Yet, Maybank Singapore’s head of consumer finance, explaining why the bank has launched these initiatives. “Most of us acknowledge the negative impact of climate change, which is expected to worsen in future,” he explains.

“The time is now for each of us to take action,” he says. “At Maybank, we hope to play a part by fostering an eco-conscious mindset in homeowners.” Taking the Green Pledge is a fantastic start.

Be rewarded for your efforts to preserve the world for future generations, with Maybank Green Loans #ForYou. Visit maybank.sg/greenloans for more information.

The post Why cultivating simple green habits can make a real difference appeared first on 99.co.

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